Get your vehicle repaired

Our innovative platform helps you find an estimate for repairing damages on your vehicle quickly and without leaving your home.

How It Works

easy to use

How it Works

The process is very simple and consists of a few steps.

Sign Up
Submit YOUR
Repair Request
Choose THE 
Estimate you Like
Get Your Car Fixed
Sign Up / Get Verified
Submit a repair
Choose the estimate
you like!
Bring your caR
in to get Fixed

for sure

Our Guarantee

You get your vehicle repaired without any surprises!

Always Convenient

Browse estimates from vetted repair facilities from the comfort of your own home.

Save Money

Our platform encourages fair estimate pricing because of its transparent nature.

Quality Guarantee

All repair facilities are vetted by our technicians before being added to the platform.

Always Convenient

Browse estimates from vetted repair facilities from the comfort of your own home.

Save Money

Our platform encourages fair estimate pricing because of its transparent nature.

Quality Guarantee

All repair facilities are vetted by our technicians before being added to the platform.

FOR drivers and body shops

AutoBuddy Platform

Our easy to use repair request system, allows you to upload photos of your damaged vehicle,
and receive completely anonymous quotes from local auto body shops.

Learn More


On the road to Excellence

Check out some of the amazing feedback we have received from customers. Want to get in touch and let us know about your experience? Contact us! 

"Great service"

My car was scratched, and I had no idea how to find a good body shop for my precioussss. I took advantage of AutoBuddy online services to get a free, fast and competitive car repair quote - and I got 4 quotes in 1 day, with all the background and body shop ratings. Great service, thanks, Autobuddy!

"Absolutely amazing service"

Received many quotes and went with the lowest priced one. Absolutely amazing service to find a autobody shop without going out of your home. Honestly, wouldn't have received so many quotes from local shops otherwise.

"I love how fast I got my quotes"

I love how fast I got my quotes. I uploaded my photos of the damage + VIN at 1am last night and got my first repair quote at 8:40am this morning. I've received 4 different quotes so far and it's only 10am. If you don't want to run around or call up different shops in the city for a price quote, then use autobuddy!